Route of the Caravans: The Silk Road

Cultural tour of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan & Kazakhstan

Revised and Expanded


Explore the heart of Central Asia – the fabled “Land of the Caravans” – on this exciting 3-week Silk Road tour. As the world’s oldest and longest trade route, the Silk Road linked Eastern and Western cultures for more than a thousand years. As we wind our way through the five “Stans”, we’ll explore the historic cities of Samarkand, Khiva, Bukhara and beyond, including 10 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, retracing the steps of Marco Polo and other historic adventurers.  This classic Bestway tour has been a traveller favourite for more than 15 years.

New this year! An optional pre-tour visit to Darvaza Gas Crater, a huge flaming pit also known as the “Door to Hell”, will be offered. This epic site was created by a burning natural gas field that collapsed into a cavern. New also for this year is an optional post tour of the new capital of Kazakhstan, Astana known as the weirdest, wealthiest and most futuristic looking capital in the world.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites covered in this tour
1. Kunya-Urgench, Turkmenistan 2. Samarkand – Crossroad of Cultures, Uzbekistan
3. Parthian Fortresses of Nisa, Turkmenistan 4. Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz, Uzbekistan
5. State Historical and Cultural Park “Ancient Merv”, Turkmenistan 6. Itchan Kala – Khiva, Uzbekistan
7. Historic Centre of Bukhara, Uzbekistan 8. Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor – Site of Burana, Kyrgyzstan
Past tour participants at Registon Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Photo Gallery

Past tour participants at Registon Square, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Tour Information
Duration : 18 days
Minimum : 02 persons
Maximum : 12 persons
Price (From) : US$ 6545
International air not included
Day 01 (THU): Arrive Ashgabat (TURKMENISTAN)
Day 02 (FRI): Ashgabat (Darvaza Extension)
Day 03 (SAT): Darvaza/Ashgabat and join Route of the Caravans tour
(B, D)
Day 01 (SAT): Arrive Ashgabat (TURKMENISTAN)
Day 02 (SUN): Ashgabat
(B, D)
Day 03 (MON): Excursion to Merv (Flight)
(B, D)
Day 04 (TUE): Ashgabat/Dashoguz (Flight) Kunya Urgench/Khiva (Drive) (UZBEKISTAN)
(B, D)
Day 05 (WED): Khiva
(B, D)
Day 06 (THU): Khiva/Bukhara (Drive)
(B, D)
Day 07 (FRI): Bukhara
(B, D)
Day 08 (SAT): Bukhara/Shakhrisyabz/Samarkand (Drive)
(B, D)
Day 09 (SUN): Samarkand
(B, D)
Day 10 (MON): Samarkand/Penjikent (Drive) (TAJIKISTAN)
(B, L, D)
Day 11 (TUE): Penjikent/Dushanbe (Drive)
(B, D)
Day 12 (WED): Dushanbe/Tashkent (Flight/Drive) (UZBEKISTAN)
(B, D)
Day 13 (THU): Tashkent/Bishkek (Flight) (KYRGYZSTAN)
(B, D)
Day 14 (FRI): Bishkek
(B, D)
Day 15 (SAT): Bishkek/Issykul (Drive)
(B, D)
Day 16 (SUN): Issykul/Almaty (Drive) (KAZAKHSTAN)
(B, D)
Day 17 (MON): Almaty
(B, D)
Day 18 (TUE): Depart Almaty
Day 18 (TUE): Almaty/Astana (Flight)
(B, D)
Day 19 (WED): Astana
(B, D)
Day 20 (THU): Depart Astana
B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner


Darvaza gas crater (gate to hell) in Derweze, Turkmenistan
© Tormod Sandtorv, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Day 01 (THU): Arrive Ashgabat (TURKMENISTAN)

Welcome to Turkmenistan! We are received at Ashgabat Airport and transferred to our hotel. Check-in time is 2:00 PM or later. Balance of the day is free to recover from jet lag or start exploring the city. Dinner is enjoyed at our hotel.

Overnight: Divan (ex Nusay) Hotel, Ashgabat (1 night) (D)

Day 02 (FRI): Ashgabat (Darvaza Extension)

Door to Hell - Darvaza gas crater, Turkmenistan

Today, embark on a journey by road to see one of the most unique geological sites in the world. The Darvaza Gas Crater, is also known rightfully named as the “Gates of Hell” or “Door to Hell”. It is not confirmed how this 70 meter (230 foot) wide flaming pit was formed. However, local lore says that in 1971, a Soviet drilling rig accidentally punched into a massive cavern filled with natural gas, and the fumes began to leak. To contain the leak, they set the hole alight, thinking it would burn in a matter of weeks. 50 years later, the inferno is still burning, and creating a truly unique site. To get the best viewing and enjoy the serenity, we overnight at Darvaza using traditional yurts. We have ample time here to see the crater both by daylight and by night – when it is best to see.

Overnight: Yurt, Darvaza (1 night) (D)

Day 03 (SAT): Darvaza/Ashgabat and join Route of the Caravans tour

Morning after breakfast we tour the town to see how time has stood still. And it has.! Then we drive back to Ashgabat and join the main tour – this being Day 01 of the Route of the Caravans tour. (B, D)


Day 01 (SAT): Arrive Ashgabat (TURKMENISTAN)

Welcome to Turkmenistan! We are met at Ashgabat Airport and transferred to our hotel, where check-in is from 2:00 PM onwards. Balance of the day is free to rest, or start exploring Turkmenistan. Our hotel is centrally located, for those who want to explore on their own.

Ashgabat is known for its lavish monuments. It even won the Guinness World Record for the largest number of white marble-clad buildings in the world—500 plus buildings covering 4.5 million square meters! It also has the largest number of fountains in a public space. Ashgabat Fountain, which sits on the road from the airport to the city, boasts 27 synchronised fountains!

Overnight: Divan (ex Nusay) Hotel, Ashgabat (3 nights) (D)

Day 02 (SUN): Ashgabat

Archabil district, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

After breakfast, we visit the famous Tolkuchka Bazaar, the largest and most traditional markets in Central Asia where practically anything can be bought here from toys to camels. It is often referred to as the Sunday Bazaar. This is followed by an exploration of a UNESCO site the epic Parthian Fortresses of Nisa*, one the most important cities of the vast Parthian Empire. At its peak, the Parthian Empire was a rival of Rome, and stretched from Turkey to Afghanistan. At the unique Carpet Museum, we admire a stunning collection of tribal carpets ranging from medieval to modern times. Next stop is the National Museum of Turkmenistan, home to archaeological treasures from across the country. We will also admire some of Ashgabat’s most impressive modern monuments and statues that flung in the city. (B, D)

Day 03 (MON): Excursion to Merv (Flight)

Take a morning flight to explore the ancient city Merv* (also known as Mary). As the oldest and best preserved oasis on the Silk Road, Merv’s history spans more than 4,000 years. During the Medieval Islamic period, Merv was thought to have been one of the biggest and richest cities in the world. However, in the 13th century, the city was dealt its death blow by the armies of Genghis Khan in a grisly conquest that is said to have caused more than 700,000 casualties. We will wander the ancient streets, seeing the ruins of majestic mausoleums, fortresses and temples, with some still standing even today! We will also visit the mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar, which stands prominent and intact. (B, D)

Day 04 (TUE): Ashgabat/Dashoguz (Flight) Kunya Urgench/Khiva (Drive) (UZBEKISTAN)

Khiva, Uzbekistan

A short flight brings us to Dashoguz in northern Turkmenistan. We drive through the town, taking in the views of local life, before heading to a highlight of Turkmenistan, Kunya Urgench*. For centuries, this city was one of the most important serai on the Silk Road. Today, we can still see many mausoleums, as well as a 60-meter high minaret and a mosque dating from the 11th to 16th Centuries, showcasing this region’s legendary past as the centre of the Islamic world. The architecture and décor of these buildings influenced empires as far away as the Byzantine and Persia, leading to the creations of India’s Mughal Empire. After our explorations, we drive to the Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan border point at Khojeli for border formalities, offering a unique local experience and an insider’s look at the aftermath of the breakup of the Soviet Union. A short drive passing river scenery and villages gets us to the legendry oasis of Khiva. We enjoy a 2-night stay in this historic town, famous home of the majestic Ichan-Kala the most popular UNESCO World Heritage Site in Central Asia.

Overnight: Hotel Malika Khevaek, Khiva (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 05 (WED): Khiva

An exciting day ahead, starting with a walking tour of Khiva as we go back in time at Ichan-Kala*, the largest remaining preserved walled city in Central Asia. The fabled inner town of old Khiva is home to more than 50 monuments and 250 traditional dwellings. Our exploration starts with visits to Kalta Minor, a stunning half-built minaret that has become a symbol of the city, and Kunya Arg, an imposing fortress dating to the 17th century. From here, we have a grand view of the city’s monuments and Rakhimkhon madrassah. We continue to explore some of Khiva’s most fascinating sites, including the Hunarmand workshops, the mausoleum of Pakhalavan Makhmud with its unique tilework, the imposing Islam Khodja minaret, Khiva Museum, Friday mosque with its collection of 212 wooden columns, and Tashauli, the harem quarters of the last Khan of Khiva.  Following our tour, we have some free time to explore this legendary city. We also experience the newly renovated, Nurullah Bey’s Palace, which was the residence of the last Khan of Khiva from 1910 to 1920. This unique palace blends traditional architecture with modern Russian and European influence. Following our tour, we have some free time to explore this legendary city. Before we end the day, we will have the unique opportunity to interact with the locals on an intimate visit with a Khivan family. (B, D)

Day 06 (THU): Khiva/Bukhara (Drive)

UIslam-Khoja Medressa and Minaret, Khiva, Khorezm, Uzbekistan

Savour a scenic drive through Kyzylkum desert. En route, we stop at villages to meet local folks and taste their famous, uniquely decorated Uzbek bread. Later, arrive at the historic Silk Road city of Bukhara, which dates back more than 2,000 years and boasts a lavish collection of more than 140 historical monuments. Bukhara is the most complete example of a medieval city in Central Asia, with an urban fabric that has remained largely intact. The ancient Persian city served as a major center of Islamic culture for many centuries. We check in to our hotel with the rest of the day free. Evening, enjoy an optional folk show at the Madrassah Gowkushan.

Overnight: Omar Khayyam Hotel, Bukhara (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 07 (FRI): Bukhara

Young woman knotting a carpet by hand, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

Dive into the Historic Centre of Bukhara*, which offers winding streets and ancient structures reminiscent of Arabian Nights. On our full-day sightseeing tour, we will see the highlights and hidden gems of this one-of-a-kind city. As we walk through the old town, we visit Poi Kalon minaret and mosque, as well as Aziz Khan and Ulugbek madrassahs. Later, make our way to Tim Abdullah and Tilpak Frushan covered markets, Mohgaki Attari mosque, Lyabikhauz (the city pond), madrassah Nadirkhon Devanbegi and Chor minor.  Afternoon, continue to explore some of the city’s most outstanding monuments, including Arg Fortress, Zindan (the prison), Balakhauz mosque, Ismail Samanid mausoleum and Job’s Spring where legend has it that Prophet Job, by striking the ground, created a spring.

Evening, take part in an unforgettable dinner feast. We walk through the narrow lanes of the old Jewish quarter. Bukharan Jews are considered to be one of the oldest ethno-religious groups of Central Asia and over the centuries, developed their own distinct culture. We also visit the house of miniature master Davlat Toshev, a Sufi painter known for his excellent miniatures who has exhibited his work in many parts of Europe. (B, D)

Day 08 (SAT): Bukhara/Shakhrisyabz/Samarkand (Drive)

Ismail Samani Mausoleum, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

From one UNESCO World Heritage city to another as we journey to the stunning Shakhrisyabz*, birthplace of Tamerlane. Our visit includes Tamerlane’s famous Ak-Saray Palace and the imposing ‘pishtak’, which supported a huge arched gateway. This incredible palace took more than a quarter century to construct. It is recorded that, in 1404, the Spanish ambassador Ruy Gozalez Clavijo was stunned by its intricate decorations. Successive internal wars after the death of Tamerlane created the ruined palace we see today. Shakhrisyabz is known for its embroidery and textiles, and we will have the opportunity to meet and interact with locals before we drive to the one and only, Samarkand. Samarkand has been the climax of every Silk Road odyssey since the time of Alexander the Great and the dazzling monuments which still afford travellers a glimpse into a time that has become the era of legends and poetry. Enroute we visit the famous Urgut kishmish Bazaar! Sacks, piles, kilograms! Everywhere there is a brisk trade. This evening, optional visit to Samarkand’s legendary Registan Square for a riveting Sound & Light Show (available at certain times of the year).

Overnight: Grand Samarkand Hotel, Samarkand (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 09 (SUN): Samarkand

Girls dancing in front of the Tillya-Kori Medresseh, Registan, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

A full day dedicated to exploring the historic town of Samarkand*, a highlight of any journey on the Silk Road. A crossroad at the heart of Central Asia since 7thcentury B.C., when it was known as ancient Afrasiab, Samarkand offers a rich history reflected in its magical monuments and winding streets. We start our discovery with Registan Square, known as one of the noblest public squares in the world. Later, we visit Bibi Khanum’s mosque and Siyob Bazaar, a fascinating market sitting under the shadow of the mosque. Next, experience Shahi Zinda royal necropolis, first constructed more than 1,000 years ago, with mosques and mausoleums continually added from the 11th to 19th centuries. The result is a fascinating cross-reference of diverse and historic architecture. We visit the local market.

Afternoon, we visit the Afrosiab Museum, where intricate wall murals provide us with a vivid picture of what houses used to look like.  Experience Ulugbek’s Observatory, built by Tamerlane’s grandson, a king who is one of the most renowned astronomers in history.  Built in the 1400s, it was later destroyed, with its ruins only being rediscovered 100 years ago. We also visit Kunhil traditional paper mill, where paper is made from mulberry bark. Our final stop at Gur Emir will show us the glorious mausoleum of Tamerlane and his grandson Ulugbek, as well as some of his courtiers. (B, D)

Day 10 (MON): Samarkand/Penjikent (Drive) (TAJIKISTAN)

The Registan, the heart of the ancient city of Samarkand

Driving through orchards and cotton fields, we journey over the border into Tajikistan. Following border formalities, proceed to Penjikent. After some rest time at our hotel, we tour the highlights of the city. Our first stop is Rudaki Museum, named after the beloved 1st century poet. The museum is home to a collection of artifacts and murals from around the Zarafshan valley. Visit the Penjikent bazaar, followed by a unique local of experience of having a meal with a Tajik family in their home. Afterward, visit a farm area to see rural life and interact with more locals before returning to our hotel.

Overnight: Hotel Umariyon, Penjikent (1 night) (B, L, D)

Day 11 (TUE): Penjikent/Dushanbe (Drive)

This morning, continue to Dushanbe with a drive through breathtaking Zarafshan Valley, following the river of the same name. This region offers awe-inspiring panoramas and is popular for climbing and hiking. Arriving at the capital city of Dushanbe, we visit the Museum of Antiquities, offering a rich collection of Greco-Bactrian, Sogdian and Persian art. Later, we also visit the National Museum of Tajikistan, boasting archaeological treasures from across the country.  Admire Ismail Samanid monument, representing the father of modern Tajikistan, before we check in to our hotel.

Overnight: Hilton Hotel, Dushanbe (1 night) (B, D)

Day 12 (WED): Dushanbe/Tashkent (Flight/Drive) (UZBEKISTAN)

Uzbek woman, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

After breakfast, we take a one-hour flight to Tashkent. On arrival, explore the leafy streets of Uzbekistan’s capital and its Old City, providing us with a fascinating picture of Islamic architecture throughout the history of one of Central Asia’s most culturally rich countries. First, see Khast-Imom Complex, site of the famous nearly 1,500-year-old Quran of the 3rd Caliph, Othman. Then, explore the beautiful Madrasah of Barak-Khan, Tilla Sheikh Mosque, the Mausoleum of the Saint Abu Bakr Kaffal Shashi, and the Islamic Institute of Imam al-Bukhari. Afterward, take in a whole different picture at Soviet-style Chor-Su Bazaar and Mustaqilik Square. Should our flight from Tashkent to Uzbekistan not operate, an alternative road transfer at the same cost as the flight will be provided (approx. 7 to 8 hours).

Overnight: Lotte Hotel, Tashkent (1 night) (B, D)

Day 13 (THU): Tashkent/Bishkek (Flight) (KYRGYZSTAN)

After breakfast, we are transferred to the airport for our flight to Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan, where a cordial welcome awaits us. Bishkek was originally called Pishpek. However, it was later renamed Frunze in honour of a major political organizer of the Civil War born in Pishpek. It finally became Bishkek in 1991—however, the airport is still coded FRU for Frunze! At this fourth Stan capital, we’ll enjoy a 2-night stay at our centrally located hotel.

Overnight: Hotel Plaza, Bishkek (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 14 (FRI): Bishkek

Victory Square, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

Discover the best of Bishkek, a modern city with vast squares, crowded bazaars and impressive administrative centers. Our tour includes Oak Park, Central Square, Statue of Manas, and Victory Square. We will also visit the National Historical Museum. This enormous example of socialist realist architecture was once devoted to Vladimir Lenin. After the breakup of the USSR, two of its three floors were replaced with exhibits that reflected Kyrgyzstan's new status as an independent state. Luckily for visitors, one floor of the original museum has been preserved, along with a huge centrepiece statue of Lenin leading the revolutionary masses.

Afterwards, enjoy a short excursion to Balasagun, a Silk Road city founded in the 10th century by the Karakhanids, whose empire spanned from China to the Aral Sea. The most impressive of the city remnants found here is the Tower of Burana*, a 25 meter (82 foot) brick tower against a scenic mountain backdrop. We will also explore the ruins of a cathedral, mosque and madrassah, as well as a unique collection of Turkic tombstones dating from the 6th to 10th century and a small archaeological museum. On our return to Bishkek, we visit Alarcha Canyon, one of the most scenic regions of the Kyrgyz Mountains. A traditional dinner awaits us back in the city. (B, D)

Day 15 (SAT): Bishkek/Issykul (Drive)

Architectural complex on the bank of mountain lake.Kyrgyzstan. Lake Issyk-kul

Today's scenic drive takes us along the shores of beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul (1607m), the tenth largest lake in the world by volume. Although it is surrounded by snow-capped peaks, the lake never freezes, which made it a popular recreational destination during Soviet times. At the lakeside town of Cholpon-Ata, we will see unique petroglyphs dating back 1,900 to 2,800 years. These carvings are from the time of the Saka-Usun people, who pre-dated the arrival of the Kyrgyz. We will also visit a small museum featuring many artifacts from the region.

Overnight: Hotel Karven, Issykul Lake (1 night) (B, D)

Day 16 (SUN): Issykul/Almaty (Drive) (KAZAKHSTAN)

Landscape with lake Manshuk,Tien Shan mountains,Kazakhstan

Learn about local traditions in the Issykul region during a morning visit with nomads in their traditional yurts. We then continue on our journey to the last country of the 5 Stans, Kazakhstan. Our scenic route takes us to an elevation of 1,756 meters before we arrive at the check post for immigration formalities. After we cross the border, we’ll make our way to Almaty, which was the capital of Kazakhstan until 1997. En route to Almaty, we will discover the main symbol of Kazakhstan, the tomb of the Golden Man, where more than 4,000 gold ornaments dating back to 4th century BC were found. Once we arrive in Almaty, the remainder of the day is free.

Overnight: Hotel Otrar, Almaty (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 17 (MON): Almaty

Couple of camels in desert of Kazakhstan

A unique day ahead as we explore the colonial and Soviet splendor of Almaty. The city’s Russian name, Alma-Ata, means “father of apples”, as this region is thought to be the ancestral home of this famous fruit. Almaty was the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, and then of the new republic until 1997, when it was moved to Astana. Our tour starts with a visit to charming Panfilov Park before heading to the Zenkov’s Holy Ascension Cathedral, completed in 1907 and remaining the second tallest wooden church in the world. Next stop is the Central Mosque, built in 1999 as the largest mosque in Kazakhstan. At the Central State Museum, we see highlights such as excellent displays of Scythian art and a hall dedicated to the nomadic tribes of the region. Our day ends with the opportunity to wander around Green Bazaar, the country’s most famous market. Our dinner tonight includes typical Kazakh favourites as we celebrate our journey through the highlights of the Silk Road. (B, D)

Day 18 (TUE): Depart Almaty

After a fascinating cultural adventure on the Silk Road tour, we are transferred to the airport for our departure flight. Check out time is by 11:00 AM. Alternatively, enjoy an optional extension to Astana, a fascinatingly flashy city that the Guardian has dubbed “one of the strangest capital cities on Earth”. (B)


Day 18 (TUE): Almaty/Astana (Flight)

Astana Mosque with a magnificent backdrop of mountains

From Kazakhstan’s old capital to its new one, we fly to Astana, an ultra-modern city offering a fantastic skyline and buildings of the future. Upon arrival, we are met and transferred to our hotel. Balance of the day is free, and Astana is a very safe city to take a stroll on your own. Here, one can admire the majestic architecture of the Parliament, Supreme Court, Ak Orda Presidential Palace, and more.

Overnight: Wyndham Gardens, Astana (2 nights) (B, D)

Day 19 (WED): Astana

Baiterek Tower, Astana Kazakhstan.

Discover the impressive modern architecture of Astana today. Our first must-see stop is the Baiterek Tower, with a unique design that seems to defy gravity and an impressive view. We then discover Nur Astana Mosque, one of the largest mosques in Central Asia. The iconic Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is another striking structure, with its futuristic towering pyramid is our next stop. At the very top of the pyramid are paintings of doves, which stand for the many different groups living in peace in Kazakhstan. We will also see the Khan Shatyr Entertainment Tent and visit the National Museum.

An optional opportunity available to experience a classic performance at the state-of-the-art Theatre of Opera & Ballet. This cultural gem showcases some of the country’s best artistic talent, and tickets need to be purchased far in advance –please contact Bestway to pre-book. After dinner at a local restaurant, our exploration of Astana and we start bidding farewell to the land of the “Stans”. (B, D)

Day 20 (THU): Depart Astana

Breakfast at our hotel in Astana, with hotel checkout by 11:00 AM. Your transfer to the airport will depend on your flight timings. So, enjoy your time in Astana if flight connections allow it. (B)

B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner

Departure Dates & Prices

We accept payments in US$, CA$ as well as in other convertible currencies like EUR, AUD and GBP. Tour prices have been costed in US$. CA$ price shown below is an indicative amount reached at by using the conversion rate at the time of web posting and will be applicable if there is no change in the conversion rate. Should the currency conversion rate change, the US$ pricing will prevail. Bestway Tours & Safaris offers a conversion rate protection. Once full payment has been received and no modification has been made to the tour itinerary, we will honour that rate. For complete payment procedures, please click here

Stay tuned for future dates! If you want to be the first ones to know click here
2024 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Departure(s) (Main Tour)
Apr 06; May 25; Jul 13; Sep 07; Oct 05 US$ 6545 US$ 995
2024 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Based on a minimum of 2 persons
Optional Pre-tour: Darvaza Gas Crater US$ 975 US$ 150
Optional Post-tour: Astana US$ 995 US$ 150
2025 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Departure(s) (Main Tour)
Apr 19; May 24; Jul 12; Sep 06; Oct 04 US$ 6750 US$ 995
2025 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Based on a minimum of 2 persons
Optional Pre-tour: Darvaza Gas Crater US$ 995 US$ 150
Optional Post-tour Extension: Astana US$ 995 US$ 150
Stay tuned for future dates! If you want to be the first ones to know click here
2024 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Departure(s) (Main Tour)
Apr 06; May 25; Jul 13; Sep 07; Oct 05 CA$ 9033 CA$ 1374
2024 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Based on a minimum of 2 persons
Optional Pre-tour: Darvaza Gas Crater CA$ 1346 CA$ 207
Optional Post-tour Extension: Astana CA$ 1374 CA$ 207
2025 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Departure(s) (Main Tour)
Apr 19; May 24; Jul 12; Sep 06; Oct 04 CA$ 9315 CA$ 1374
2025 Per Person on
Twin Sharing
Single Room
Based on a minimum of 2 persons
Optional Pre-tour: Darvaza Gas Crater CA$ 1374 CA$ 207
Optional Post-tour Extension: Astana CA$ 1374 CA$ 207


  • Visa and entry requirements
    Please find our recommended resources for checking country visa requirements here.
  • Getting to/from the start and end point of the tour
    Turkish Airlines operates daily flights from the USA and Canada via Istanbul to Ashgabat (the start city of the tour) and daily return flights from Almaty and Astana to North America.


Tour Price Includes
  • 17 Nights' accommodation as mentioned or similar, including hotel taxes plus optional pre-and post-tour nights if applicable
  • 35 Meals as mentioned in the main tour, plus 4 meals as mentioned in the pre-tour and 5 meals as mentioned in the post-tour if applicable (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch, D=Dinner)
  • All sightseeing and transfers by private transportation
  • Services of local English-speaking tour guides
  • Entrance fees to museums and sites included in the itinerary
  • Assistance in getting the Letters Of Invite
Not Included
  • Any airfares (Ashgabat/Mary, Mary/Ashgabat, Ashgabat/Dashoguz, Dushanbe/Tashkent,  Tashkent/Bishkek /Almaty currently at US$ 495)
  • Insurance/visas, (Turkmenistan immigration border fees paid locally)
  • Tips/gratuities
  • Air for Extension to Astana: Almaty/Astana – Approx. US$ 120 per person (subject to change)


This tour operates on a minimum of 02 and a maximum of 12 participants

Customised Itinerary

If you would like to have a tour on dates other than the above ones or with a customised itinerary, please contact us and we will be happy to work out an exclusive program for you.

Contact Info
You may e-mail us at or call 1-604-264-7378. Residents of U.S.A./Canada may call us toll free at 1-800-663-0844.

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